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Yup thats write i made a video
skater, lover, player. video maker, smoker, drinker, gambler, helper
Age 30, Male
weed tester/ CIA
Fuck school ok M.S.217
Joined on 4/28/09
but the psp hardly gets games assholes and ask all the reviewers bitch now you dont it man im pissed oh and the psp graphics suck man and the games load every thirty steps and they scratched so the ds is the better system couse there is a difference everytime they make the system again and wtf moheet over me fuck you asshole
no we made this video 2 weeks ago
and two ds is way cheaper than one psp so fuck you
so wat alot of better games are out for the psp like god of war, gta,and others while at the same time ds has pokemon, mario and other games too me it was a tie
no ties cause accoring to me and misael the ps3 and psp are the next systems to go
you do know that we wont see natalie again right
nobody cares about your videos cause the most views youll get is 100 and if you made it two weeks ago then howcome when we were on the roof it wasnt saved there
because i did it on a camera cause my comp got a virus so it had to be debuged and once i got it baak i put it on
if the psp is so great get it
no money in the pocket
yo tony the psp sucks and if you really wont call of duty well just never get a first person shooter on a hand hell like the psp or ds but still there are way more fun games on the ds then the psp. you just never got any of them and if you get a psp i cam promise you now that you will be disappointed so just keep your ds and buy good games on it. oh yeah and graphics don't mater in a game ho cares about fancy graphics if the game sucks Anthony just never sell your ds ok and if you wont proof on the fact that the psp sucks just ask Christian he wonts a ds and he has 2 psp ok Anthony read this and reply on what you wont to do
um yup